Base road or shapefile item name
Shows the name of the base road or shapefile item under the mouse cursor. If
no item is present, this field is blank.
Azimuth/Range from reference point
Shows the azimuth and range from the current reference point. There are three
possible reference points: current radar site, home location, and marker. The
reference point is selected in the context menu for the radar display
(right-click to show the context menu).
Product value
Shows the physical value and units of the radar bin under the mouse cursor.
Tilt height above radar site
Shows the height of the center of the radar beam above the radar site for the
current tilt angle.
Lat/lon of cursor
Shows the latitude and longitude of the current cursor position. The
precision of this measurement is limited by the current zoom level. Deeper zoom
levels allow a more precise measurement.
Polling status
Shows the polling status. Typically, this field will
show the time until the next poll for new data. When new data is being
downloaded, this field shows "Downloading". When viewing archived data or polling is stopped, this field shows